Fatigue Management – Level 1

The AWCC Fatigue Management program is delivered with a holistic approach to safety focusing on the responsibilities of both the employer and employee alike.

Course Overview
The AWCC Fatigue Management program is delivered with a holistic approach to safety focusing on the responsibilities of both the employer and employee alike. Having a clear understanding of the shared responsibility between management and workers is a key component to keeping workers safe while maintaining a high level of company productivity.
Companies committing to this sort of education for their workforce need to be recognised as safety leaders in their relevant fields. The impacts of Fatigue in the workplace are widely recognised and the impacts quite severe on a variety of levels.
This course is best suited when accompanied by the Chain of Responsibility (CoR) programs also available through AWCC.
Employers Guide:
Guide for managing the risk of fatigue at work | Safe Work Australia
Workers Guide:
Fatigue management – a worker’s guide | Safe Work Australia
Designed mainly for the Transport and Logistics industry, the AWCC Fatigue Management Level 1 training program is delivered over 1 day and focuses on the skills and knowledge required by workers to recognise the early warning signs of fatigue and be empowered to apply management strategies that aid in the prevention of incidents caused by fatigue.
Note: Administering Fatigue Management strategies are covered in the Fatigue Management Level 2 program. TLIF0005 – Apply a Fatigue Risk Management System
TLIF2010 Course Content
- Overview and Legislation
- Causes, Effects and Warning Signs
- Workplace Procedures – Overview
- Workplace Procedures – Drivers/Operators
- Workplace Procedures – Schedulers
- Lifestyle Choices to Manage Fatigue
- Course Summary
Fatigue Management (Level 1) Learner Outcomes
- Upon successful completion of the course student have indicated that they, the drivers, have the knowledge to provide a much safer workplace for themselves and others.
- That they understand the relevant knowledge, roles and responsibilities required to recognise the early warning signs of fatigue and now have the skills to self-manage themselves as extended hour and heavy vehicle drivers.
- Finally, the successful completion of the unit TLIF0005 – Apply a Fatigue Risk management System ensures that candidates comply with the National Heavy Vehicle Legislation and National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) requirements.
- All successful students receive a Nationally Accredited Training Statement of Attainment.
Fatigue Management (Level 1) Mode of Delivery
The mode of delivery for this course is face to face in a classroom environment. This can be done either onsite at your business location or at an AWCC training facility in either Brisbane or Toowoomba, QLD. The course is supported by the most up to date, realistic case studies from which practical exercises are facilitated through classroom activities and group discussion utilising the experience in the room. Assessment on the day will be completed in line with the program’s session plan.
Contact us on 07 4638 0532 or email admin@wellcontrolcentre.com.au today to find out more!
You can view our Terms and Conditions and our Student Handbook before making a decision to train with us.